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Thank you for your interest in my MVP's of the 4 pillars of health!

Here are my MVP resources for food, sleep, movement, and stress management.

Podcasts about the importance of all four:

Strive for Great Health:

The Urbon Monk:

Ready to invest in your team, mentees, or constituents? Check out my Wellness Workshop where we’ll deep dive into each of the pillars of health and participants will walk away having tangible, personalized actions they can implement immediately to improve their sleep, nutrition, activity levels, and stress management.

FOOD: Experts / Authors & Books

Dr. Mark Hyman: "Food: What The Heck Should I Eat"

Chris Kresser: "The Paleo Cure"

Dr. William Li: "Eat To Beat Disease"

Dr. Michael Gregor: "How Not to Die"

Dr. Paul Saladino: "The Carnivore Code"

SLEEP: Experts / Authors & Books

Dr. Matthew Walker: "Why We Sleep"

Dr. Michael Breus: "The Power of When"

Sleep Chronotype Quiz:

Developed by Dr. Michael Breus, author of the book The Power of When, this quiz will help you identify your sleep Chronotype. Our bodies are programmed to function much better at certain times of the day than others. Based on general morningness and eveningness preferences, different people fall into different classifications, called “Chronotypes”.  It’s a fun, quick quiz that will provide your chronotype, that you could use to help you better align your typical activities with your most (and least) productive parts of the day.

Click here to take the quiz:

SLEEP: Articles & Podcasts by Topic

General Information/Stats on Sleep

Video: Matthew Walker’s TED Talk: Sleep Is Your Superpower (a little technical and sciency, but good!)

Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee Podcast: How To Improve Your Sleep and Why You Should with Professor Matthew Walker

Rated: G (as opposed to Joe Rogan’s  podcast (below) which is “R”)

Podcast: Matthew Walker on The Joe Rogan Experience

Disclaimer: Rated R, Explicit Content. Joe Rogan is known for his boisterous personality.

*Note: Personally, I would fast forward and start the podcast at 50:10 (I didn’t find the first hour very informative, but from 50:10 on, it was good)

Sleep/Food/Weight Connection



Tips and Tricks to Improve Sleep

Article: 8 Tips for Improving Sleep

Video: 5 Tips For Falling Asleep Quicker:

Sleep’s Impacts on Brain & Body

Video: What Happens To Your Body And Brain If You Don’t Get Sleep

Cleaning the Brain: Nerding out on the Glymphatic System’s Role in Preventing Neurological Diseases

Less technical article:

Super technical article:

Sleep & Productivity:



STRESS MANAGEMENT: Experts / Authors & Books

Light Watkins: "Bliss More"

Bliss More

There are a lot of books on meditation but this one, so far, is my fave. It’s a quick, enjoyable read while still getting into the science behind the power of meditation for both mental and physical health. He also provides an easy, quick start guide to assist your initial meditation efforts.

Andrew Bernstein: "The Myth of Stress"

The Myth of Stress

What makes this book different:

We live in a stressful culture (duh, Abby) so I’m not going to bore you with the same resources that you’re probably already familiar with.  I’m sure you’re well aware that stress causes weight gain, sleep disorders, disease, and cancer.  And I’m sure you’ve heard of many and maybe even tried a few stress management techniques to bring your body out of the fight-or-flight mode and back into balance.

Instead, I’d like to introduce a potentially new perspective on stress. Andrew Bernstein, author of The Myth of Stress, says “stress doesn’t come from what’s going on in your life, it comes from your thoughts about what’s going on.”  Stress management techniques teach how to cope with stress but what if we could prevent stress before it even becomes stress? How do we fix the root cause? This book challenges us to reframe stress rather than regurgitating the dogma around stress that’s so prevalent in our culture.


Podcast: The Paleo Solution – Episode 295 – Andrew Bernstein – The Myth of Stress

Listen on Apple Podcasts:

Accompanying Website

MOVEMENT: Resources

I’m sure you’re already familiar with the health benefits of exercise (in the traditional context of the word ‘exercise’) so instead, the resources provided talk more about the importance of incorporating movement all throughout our day. Spoiler alert: Incorporating more intermittent movement in our day is just as important for health and longevity benefits as the traditional word ‘exercise.’



Importance of Protein + Strength Training

Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is an expert on this topic. Two very good podcasts featuring her:

Dr. Gabrielle Lyon on Better with Dr. Stephanie:

Dr. Gabrielle Lyon on the Dhru Purohit Podcast:

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